WordPress is fast, easy, manageable, customized, and can be integrated by required plugins. You can build websites using WordPress as a content management system (CMS). With WordPress, you can create custom websites, blogs, online stores, and even portfolios to fit your business. As the most popular blogging platform, WordPress was founded in 2003. The WordPress content management system has also been used by non-blogging websites & WordPress development services over the past few years.WordPress: The Components
The components of WordPress are as follows:
# WordPress Core: Installing WordPress requires the installation of core files. Before anything else can be done, you must install these two plugins.
# The database: The settings and content of your account are stored here. A database is essential for WordPress to function. A database must also be created when you install WordPress manually. However, the auto-installer will complete the job for you.
# Extra files: Additional files, including themes, plugins, and uploads, can be installed in addition to the WordPress core files. Your site will run more smoothly and be uniquely yours with these features. You’ll learn how each of these works shortly.
#The admin screens: Your WordPress installation can be controlled through the admin screens, also known as the dashboard. You don’t need to write any code to maintain your website.
You might want to consider moving your company’s website to a WordPress platform if it isn’t already. Here are the top 10 reasons why WordPress is so popular, and many WordPress development services development services use it.

1. Easy to use
WordPress has an intuitive interface and is easy to use. You can quickly and easily create new pages, blog posts, and images regularly. It is easy to use, so formatting becomes drastically less time-consuming.

2. You can manage your website from any location that has an internet connection
WordPress can be accessed from any browser. From any computer that has a connection to the Internet, you can access your website and make changes.

3. Software for HTML editing and FTP uploads is not required
There’s no need to install HTML editing software (such as Adobe Contribute and Dreamweaver) as WordPress is a self-contained system. A new page or blog post can be created; text can be formatted, images can be uploaded (and edited), documents can be uploaded, video files can be uploaded, image galleries can be uploaded, etc., all without the need for additional HTML or FTP software.

4. WordPress sites are highly favored by search engines
Thanks to WordPress’s clean, simple code, a site’s content can easily be read and indexed by search engines. The meta tags can be used for each page, post, and image to include keywords, descriptions, and titles and optimize them for specific keywords, allowing for highly targeted search engine optimization. Further enhancing your SEO efforts can be achieved by using tags. WordPress development services can assist you better.

5. The site is under your control
Update your website yourself instead of waiting for a web designer. Your WordPress website is fully customizable to a great extent, and it is easy to make those simple updates yourself.

6. All aspects of your website can be customized
WordPress powers your website. Your brand will shine through on your site, so your visitors will have a unique experience. The look and feel of the site can be completely customized.

7. Blogs are built-in and ready to use
A number of blogging features are already built into WordPress, and if desired, they can be easily added. It is simple to set up RSS subscriptions and email subscriptions to your site’s blog, as well as add blog posts automatically to other web pages (such as your homepage), to make your site more dynamic and interactive.

8. Integrate plugins into your site to make it more functional
Are you looking for a way to display an event calendar, video gallery, Twitter Feed, Facebook Fan Box, and more on your website? There are many plugins available for WordPress, most of which are free.

9. As Your Business Grows, You Can Expand Your Site
The WordPress platform is highly scalable. The site’s performance won’t suffer as a result of having hundreds of thousands of pages or blog posts.

10. Provide multiple user accounts
Administrating a WordPress website involves setting up multiple users, assigning each access level, and adjusting their capabilities.
There are indeed several proprietary software solutions out there, and most offer most of the benefits above. Still, none of them provide all at once, and none offer the value, flexibility, and efficiency of WordPress.
Get more information about our WordPress design services, WordPress development services, or web design solutions by contacting Thrive. If you’re interested in learning more about WordPress, our web experts would love to assist.

By rohit

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